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Reference Implementations
Explore these open-source reference implementations to find guidance or inspiration for deploying your own AI/ML applications.

Use OpenAI LLMs to Embed and Visualize Results
This DAG shows how to use the OpenAI Airflow provider to interact with the OpenAI API.
Airflow Community

Generate Vectors with the Airflow Weaviate Provider
This DAG runs a simple MLOps pipeline to import data, generate vectors, and query the vectors.
Airflow Community

Query Vectors with Pinecone and Airflow
This DAG uses the Pinecone Airflow Provider to import data, generate vectors, then query based on user-provided inputs.
Airflow Community

Train Models with Amazon Sagemaker and Airflow
This DAG shows a training pipeline using the feature engineering, training, and model registry features of Amazon Sagemaker.
Airflow Community

Track Model Training with MLflow and Airflow
This DAG shows how to track training of a RidgeCV model with the MLflow Airflow provider.
Airflow Community

Use Cohere and OpenSearch to Analyze Customer Feedback
This DAG creates vector embeddings and performs a sentiment analysis of customer feedback with Cohere and OpenSearch.
Airflow Community