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Orchestrate Databricks jobs with Airflow

Databricks is a popular unified data and analytics platform built around Apache Spark that provides users with fully managed Apache Spark clusters and interactive workspaces.

The open source Airflow Databricks provider provides full observability and control from Airflow so you can manage Databricks from one place, including enabling you to orchestrate your Databricks notebooks from Airflow and execute them as Databricks jobs.

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Why use Airflow with Databricks

Many data teams leverage Databricks' optimized Spark engine to run heavy workloads like machine learning models, data transformations, and data analysis. While Databricks offers some orchestration with Databricks Workflows, they are limited in functionality and do not integrate with the rest of your data stack. Using a tool-agnostic orchestrator like Airflow gives you several advantages, like the ability to:

  • Use CI/CD to manage your workflow deployment. Airflow DAGs are Python code, and can be integrated with a variety of CI/CD tools and tested.
  • Use task groups within Databricks jobs, enabling you to collapse and expand parts of larger Databricks jobs visually.
  • Leverage Airflow datasets to trigger Databricks jobs from tasks in other DAGs in your Airflow environment or using the Airflow REST API Create dataset event endpoint, allowing for a data-driven architecture.
  • Use familiar Airflow code as your interface to orchestrate Databricks notebooks as jobs.
  • Inject parameters into your Databricks job at the job-level. These parameters can be dynamic and retrieved at runtime from other Airflow tasks.
  • Repair single tasks in your Databricks job from the Airflow UI (Provider version 6.8.0+ is required). If a task fails, you can re-run it using an operator extra link in the Airflow UI.

Time to complete

This tutorial takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Assumed knowledge

To get the most out of this tutorial, make sure you have an understanding of:


Step 1: Configure your Astro project

  1. Create a new Astro project:

    $ mkdir astro-databricks-tutorial && cd astro-databricks-tutorial
    $ astro dev init
  2. Add the Airflow Databricks provider package to your requirements.txt file.


Step 2: Create Databricks Notebooks

You can orchestrate any Databricks notebooks in a Databricks job using the Airflow Databricks provider. If you don't have Databricks notebooks ready, follow these steps to create two notebooks:

  1. Create an empty notebook in your Databricks workspace called notebook1.

  2. Copy and paste the following code into the first cell of the notebook1 notebook.

  3. Create a second empty notebook in your Databricks workspace called notebook2.

  4. Copy and paste the following code into the first cell of the notebook2 notebook.


Step 3: Configure the Databricks connection

  1. Start Airflow by running astro dev start.

  2. In the Airflow UI, go to Admin > Connections and click +.

  3. Create a new connection named databricks_conn. Select the connection type Databricks and enter the following information:

    • Connection ID: databricks_conn.
    • Connection Type: Databricks.
    • Host: Your Databricks host address (format:
    • Password: Your Databricks personal access token.

Step 4: Create your DAG

  1. In your dags folder, create a file called

  2. Copy and paste the following DAG code into the file. Replace<your-databricks-login-email> variable with your Databricks login email. If you already had Databricks notebooks and did not create new ones in Step 2, adjust the notebook_path parameters in the two DatabricksNotebookOperators.

    ### Run notebooks in databricks as a Databricks Workflow using the Airflow Databricks provider

    This DAG runs two Databricks notebooks as a Databricks workflow.

    from airflow.decorators import dag
    from airflow.providers.databricks.operators.databricks import DatabricksNotebookOperator
    from airflow.providers.databricks.operators.databricks_workflow import (
    from airflow.models.baseoperator import chain
    from pendulum import datetime

    DATABRICKS_LOGIN_EMAIL = "<your-databricks-login-email>"
    DATABRICKS_NOTEBOOK_NAME_1 = "notebook1"
    DATABRICKS_NOTEBOOK_NAME_2 = "notebook2"
    DATABRICKS_JOB_CLUSTER_KEY = "tutorial-cluster"
    DATABRICKS_CONN_ID = "databricks_conn"

    # adjust if necessary for example to align the spark version with your Notebooks
    job_cluster_spec = [
    "job_cluster_key": DATABRICKS_JOB_CLUSTER_KEY,
    "new_cluster": {
    "cluster_name": "",
    "spark_version": "15.3.x-cpu-ml-scala2.12",
    "aws_attributes": {
    "first_on_demand": 1,
    "availability": "SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK",
    "zone_id": "eu-central-1",
    "spot_bid_price_percent": 100,
    "ebs_volume_count": 0,
    "node_type_id": "i3.xlarge",
    "spark_env_vars": {"PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/databricks/python3/bin/python3"},
    "enable_elastic_disk": False,
    "data_security_mode": "LEGACY_SINGLE_USER_STANDARD",
    "runtime_engine": "STANDARD",
    "num_workers": 1,

    @dag(start_date=datetime(2024, 7, 1), schedule=None, catchup=False)
    def my_simple_databricks_dag():
    task_group = DatabricksWorkflowTaskGroup(

    with task_group:
    notebook_1 = DatabricksNotebookOperator(
    notebook_2 = DatabricksNotebookOperator(
    chain(notebook_1, notebook_2)


    This DAG uses the Airflow Databricks provider to create a Databricks job that runs two notebooks. The databricks_workflow task group, created using the DatabricksWorkflowTaskGroup class, automatically creates a Databricks job that executes the Databricks notebooks you specified in the individual DatabricksNotebookOperators. One of the biggest benefits of this setup is the use of a Databricks job cluster, allowing you to significantly reduce your Databricks cost. The task group contains three tasks:

    • The launch task, which the task group automatically generates, provisions a Databricks job_cluster with the spec defined as job_cluster_spec and creates the Databricks job from the tasks within the task group.
    • The notebook1 task runs the notebook1 notebook in this cluster as the first part of the Databricks job.
    • The notebook2 task runs the notebook2 notebook as the second part of the Databricks job.
  3. Run the DAG manually by clicking the play button and view the DAG in the graph tab. In case the task group appears collapsed, click it in order to expand and see all tasks.

    Airflow Databricks DAG graph tab showing a successful run of the DAG with one task group containing three tasks: launch, notebook1 and notebook2.

  4. View the completed Databricks job in the Databricks UI.

    Successful run of a Databricks job in the Databricks UI.

How it works

This section explains Airflow Databricks provider functionality in more depth. You can learn more about the Airflow Databricks provider, including more information about other available operators, in the provider documentation.


The DatabricksWorkflowTaskGroup provides configuration options via several parameters:

  • job_clusters: the job clusters parameters for this job to use. You can provide the full job_cluster_spec as shown in the tutorial DAG.

  • notebook_params: a dictionary of parameters to make available to all notebook tasks in a job. This operator is templatable, see below for a code example:

    dbx_workflow_task_group = DatabricksWorkflowTaskGroup(
    "my_date": "{{ ds }}"

    To retrieve this parameter inside your Databricks notebook add the following code to a Databricks notebook cell:

    dbutils.widgets.text("my_date", "my_default_value", "Description")
    my_date = dbutils.widgets.get("my_date")
  • notebook_packages: a list of dictionaries defining Python packages to install in all notebook tasks in a job.

  • extra_job_params: a dictionary with properties to override the default Databricks job definitions.

You also have the ability to specify parameters at the task level in the DatabricksNotebookOperator:

  • notebook_params: a dictionary of parameters to make available to the notebook.
  • notebook_packages: a list of dictionaries defining Python packages to install in the notebook.

Note that you cannot specify the same packages in both the notebook_packages parameter of a DatabricksWorkflowTaskGroup and the notebook_packages parameter of a task using the DatabricksNotebookOperator in that same task group. Duplicate entries in this parameter cause an error in Databricks.

Repairing a Databricks job

The Airflow Databricks provider version 6.8.0+ includes functionality to repair a failed Databricks job by making a repair request to the Databricks jobs API. Databricks expects a single repair request for all tasks that need to be rerun in one cluster, this can be achieved via the Airflow UI by using the operator extra link Repair All Failed Tasks. If you would be using Airflow's built in retry functionality a separate cluster would be created for each failed task.

Repair All Failed Tasks OEL

If you only want to rerun specific tasks within your job, you can use the Repair a single failed task operator extra link on an individual task in the Databricks job.

Repair a single failed task OEL

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