ML for Customer Analytics with Airflow, Snowpark, and Weaviate

  • George Yates

A screenshot of the streamlit application created in this use case that shows the customer analytics dashboard

Snowpark ML, a Snowflake Public Preview feature, is a Python framework for creating Machine Learning workloads with Snowpark. Currently Snowpark ML provides a model registry that

In this use case example we demonstrate how to use Apache Airflow to orchestrate a machine learning pipeline with the Snowpark provider and Snowpark ML for feature engineering and model tracking. While Snowpark ML has its own support for models similar to Scikit-Learn, this code demonstrates a “bring-your-own” model approach. Instead of working with a Snowpark user-defined function (UDF), this code shows how to use open-source Scikit-Learn along with both the Snowpark ML model registry and model serving in an Airflow task.

A screenshot of the Customer Analytics DAG

This demonstration shows how to build a customer analytics dashboard for a fictitious online retailer for toys and games. The application uses machine learning models for audio transcription, natural language embeddings, and sentiment analysis on structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

This demo also shows how to use the Snowflake XCom backend, which supports security and governance by serializing all task input and output to Snowflake tables and stages, while also storing a URI pointer to the data in the Airflow XCom table.

This workflow includes the following processes and presents them in a Streamlit application:

Before you start

To try this example yourself, make sure you have:

Clone the project

  1. Clone the example project from the Astronomer GitHub.
git clone
cd airflow-snowparkml-demo
  1. Open the .env file in an editor and update the following variables with you account information. You only need to update the Snowflake Connection details to be able to run the Customer Analytics DAG. However, if you’d like to enable chat capabilities in the final Streamlit application, add an OpenAI API key where designated in the .env file as well.

Note: This demo assumes the use of a new Snowflake trial account with admin privileges. A database named ‘DEMO’ and schema named ‘DEMO’ will be created in the DAG. Running this demo without admin privileges or with existing database/schema requires additional updates to the .env file.

AIRFLOW_CONN_SNOWFLAKE_DEFAULT='{"conn_type": "snowflake", "login": "<USER_NAME>", "password": "<PASSWORD>", "schema": "DEMO", "extra": {"account": "<ORG_NAME>-<ACCOUNT_NAME>", "warehouse": "COMPUTE_WH", "database": "DEMO", "region": "", "role": "ACCOUNTADMIN", "authenticator": "snowflake", "session_parameters": null, "application": "AIRFLOW"}}'

Use the the new ORG_NAME-ACCOUNT_NAME format for the Snowflake account field of the connection as explained in the Snowflake Account Identifier policies. You can find the ORG and ACCOUNT names in your Snowflake trial confirmation email or in the Snowflake login link, for example, Do not specify a region when using this format for accounts. Capitalize database and schema names due to a bug in Snowpark ML.

Run the project

  1. To run the example project, first make sure Docker Desktop is running.

  2. Then, open your project directory in terminal and run:

astro dev start

This command builds your project and spins up 5 Docker containers on your machine to run it. In addition to the 4 standard Airflow containers, a Weaviate container is spun up. This allows you to run a fully local Weaviate environment for local development, giving every developer their own dedicated testing environment.

A screenshot of the Airflow UI with active Customer Analytics DAG

  1. After the command finishes, open the the Airflow UI and trigger the customer_analytics DAG by clicking the play button. Then, monitor its status as it completes via the graph view.

View Results in Streamlit

After the DAG completes, you can view the results in a Streamlit customer analytics dashboard. Streamlit is installed alongside the Airflow UI in the webserver container, and there’s a script in the include directory called that you use to create the dashboard.

  1. Go to your project’s root directory and connect to the webserver container with the Astro CLI by running the following command.
astro dev bash -w
  1. Run the following command to start Streamlit.
cd include/streamlit/src
python -m streamlit run ./
  1. Open the streamlit application in a browser to see a visualization of all the customer analytics that your DAG produces. If you added an Open-AI key to your .env file, you can use the chatbot functionality to search for customer reviews by keyword.

A screenshot of the Airflow UI with active Customer Analytics DAG

Project Code

This project consists of two DAGs, a basic example snowpark_ml_dag DAG, and a much more complex customer_analytics DAG.. This guide focuses on the customer_analytics DAG, which demonstrates an end-to-end ML application workflow using OpenAI embeddings with a Weaviate vector database. The customer_analytics DAG also includes examples of Snowpark decorators, the Snowflake XCom backend, and the Snowpark ML model registry.

The Astro CLI commands include additional Docker-based services for Weaviate and Streamlit.

Setup Tasks

The first tasks in the the set-up task group create all the resources necessary to run the pipeline, including creating the necessary Snowflake tables, restoring Weaviate data from prior runs, and creating a Snowpark model registry if none exists already. Using an enter() task group allows you to group together tasks that should be run to setup state for the rest of the DAG. Functionally this is very similar to setup tasks but allows some additional flexibility in dependency mapping.

    def create_snowflake_objects(snowflake_objects:dict, calls_directory_stage:str):

        snowpark_session.sql(f"""CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \

        snowpark_session.sql(f"""CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS \

        snowpark_session.sql(f"""CREATE STAGE IF NOT EXISTS \
                                    DIRECTORY = (ENABLE = TRUE)
                                    ENCRYPTION = (TYPE = 'SNOWFLAKE_SSE');
        snowpark_session.sql(f"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \
                                        dag_id varchar NOT NULL, 
                                        task_id varchar NOT NULL, 
                                        run_id varchar NOT NULL,
                                        multi_index integer NOT NULL,
                                        key varchar NOT NULL,
                                        value_type varchar NOT NULL,
                                        value varchar NOT NULL
        snowpark_session.sql(f"""CREATE OR REPLACE STAGE \
                                        DIRECTORY = (ENABLE = TRUE) 
                                        ENCRYPTION = (TYPE = 'SNOWFLAKE_SSE');
    def enter():

        def download_weaviate_backup() -> str:
            [Weaviate]( is a vector database which allows us to store a 
            vectorized representation of unstructured data like twitter tweets or audio calls.
            In this demo we use the [OpenAI  embeddings]( 
            model to build the vectors.  With the vectors we can do sentiment classification 
            based on cosine similarity with a labeled dataset.  

            This demo uses a version of Weaviate running locally in a Docker container.  See the 
            `docker-compose.override.yml` file for details. The Astro CLI will start this container 
            alongside the Airflow webserver, trigger, scheduler and database.

            In order to speed up the demo process the data has already been ingested into weaviate 
            and vectorized.  The data was then backed up and stored in the cloud for easy restore.            
            This task will download the and make it available in a docker mounted 
            filesystem for the weaviate restore task.  Normally this would be in an cloud storage.
            import urllib
            import zipfile

            weaviate_restore_uri = f'{restore_data_uri}/weaviate-backup/'

            zip_path, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(weaviate_restore_uri)
            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as f:

        def check_model_registry(snowflake_objects:dict) -> dict:
            Snowpark ML provides a model registry leveraging tables, views and stages to 
            track model state as well as model artefacts. 

            If the model registry objects have not yet been created in Snowflake this task 
            will create them and return a dictionary with the database and schema where they 
            from import model_registry

            assert model_registry.create_model_registry(session=snowpark_session, 
            snowpark_model_registry = {'database': snowflake_objects['demo_database'], 
                                    'schema': snowflake_objects['demo_schema']}

            return snowpark_model_registry
        _snowpark_model_registry = check_model_registry(snowflake_objects)
        _restore_weaviate = WeaviateRestoreOperator(task_id='restore_weaviate',
        _restore_weaviate.doc_md = dedent(
            ### Restoring Demo Data  
            In order to speed up the demo process the data has already been ingested into weaviate 
            and vectorized.  The data was then backed up and stored in the cloud for easy restore.

            This task restores the pre-vectorized demo data using the file downloaded 
            in the `download_weaviate_backup` task.  

            Upstream tasks will try to import to weaviate will but will be `skipped` since they 
            already exist.  For any new data Weaviate will use OpenAI embeddings to vectorize 
            and import data.

        download_weaviate_backup() >> _restore_weaviate

        return _snowpark_model_registry, _restore_weaviate

Structured data ingestion and transformation

The structured data contains various data points about customers, such as their purchasing histories and lifetime value, all of which are transformed using Snowpark so you can easily join it with the unstructured data.

    def structured_data():

        def load_structured_data():
            for source in data_sources:
                    input_file = File(f"{restore_data_uri}/{source}.csv"), 
                    output_table = Table(name=f'STG_{source.upper()}', 

        def transform_structured():

            def jaffle_shop(customers_df:SnowparkTable, orders_df:SnowparkTable, payments_df:SnowparkTable):
                customer_orders_df = orders_df.group_by('customer_id').agg(F.min('order_date').alias('first_order'),
                customer_payments_df = payments_df.join(orders_df, how='left', on='order_id')\
                                                  .agg((F.sum('amount') / 100).alias('total_amount'))
                customers = customers_df.join(customer_orders_df, how='left', on='customer_id')\
                                        .join(customer_payments_df, how='left', on='customer_id')\
                                        .rename('total_amount', 'customer_lifetime_value')
                payment_types = ['credit_card', 'coupon', 'bank_transfer', 'gift_card']
                orders = payments_df.drop('payment_id')\
                                    .pivot('payment_method', payment_types )\
                                    .agg({f"'{x}'": "sum" for x in payment_types})\
                                    .rename({f"SUM('{x.upper()}')": x+'_amount' for x in payment_types})\
                                                     .agg(F.sum('amount').alias('total_amount')), on='order_id')\
                                    .join(orders_df, on='order_id')

                return customers

            @task.snowpark_virtualenv(python_version='3.8', requirements=['snowflake-snowpark-python>=1.8'])
            def mrr_playbook(subscription_df:SnowparkTable):

                from snowflake.snowpark import Window
                from datetime import date

                day_count = - date(2018,1,1)
                months = snowpark_session.generator(F.seq4(), rowcount=day_count.days)\
                                         .with_column('date_month', F.date_trunc('month', 
                                         .select('date_month').distinct().sort('date_month', ascending=True)

                subscription_periods = subscription_df.with_column('start_date', F.to_date('start_date'))\
                                                      .with_column('end_date', F.to_date('end_date'))
                customers = subscription_periods.group_by('customer_id').agg(F.date_trunc('month', F.min('start_date')).alias('date_month_start'),
                                                                             F.date_trunc('month', F.max('end_date')).alias('date_month_end'))
                customer_months = customers.join(months, how='inner', on=(months['date_month'] >= customers['date_month_start']) & 
                                                                         ( months['date_month'] < customers['date_month_end']))\
                                           .select(['customer_id', 'date_month'])
                customer_revenue_by_month = customer_months.join(subscription_periods, 
                                                                on=(customer_months.customer_id == subscription_periods.customer_id) & 
                                                                    (customer_months.date_month >= subscription_periods.start_date) & 
                                                                    ((customer_months.date_month < subscription_periods.end_date) |
                                                            .fillna(subset=['monthly_amount'], value=0)\
                                                            .select(F.col('date_month'), F.col('customer_id'), F.col('monthly_amount').alias('mrr'))\
                                                            .with_column('is_active', F.col('mrr')>0)\
                                                            .with_column('is_first_month', F.col('first_active_month') == F.col('date_month'))\
                                                            .with_column('is_last_month', F.col('last_active_month') == F.col('date_month'))
                customer_churn_month = customer_revenue_by_month.where('is_last_month')\
                                                                .select(F.add_months(F.col('date_month'), 1),
                                                                        F.to_decimal('mrr', 38, 2),
                customer_date_window = Window.partition_by('customer_id').order_by('date_month')

                mrr = customer_revenue_by_month.union_all(customer_churn_month)\
                                               .with_column('id', F.md5(F.col('customer_id')))\
                                                            F.lag('is_active', default_value=False).over(customer_date_window))\
                                                            F.lag('mrr', default_value=0).over(customer_date_window))\
                                               .with_column('mrr_change', F.col('mrr') - F.col('previous_month_mrr'))\
                                                            F.when(F.col('is_first_month'), 'new')\
                                                             .when(F.not_(F.col('is_active') & F.col('previous_month_is_active')), 'churn')\
                                                             .when(F.col('is_active') & F.not_(F.col('previous_month_is_active')), 'reactivation')\
                                                             .when(F.col('mrr_change') > 0, 'upgrade')\
                                                             .when(F.col('mrr_change') < 0, 'downgrade')
                                               .with_column('renewal_amount', F.least(F.col('mrr'), F.col('previous_month_mrr')))

                return mrr
            def attribution_playbook(customer_conversions_df:SnowparkTable, sessions_df:SnowparkTable):

                from snowflake.snowpark import Window

                customer_window = Window.partition_by('customer_id')

                attribution_touches = sessions_df.join(customer_conversions_df, on='customer_id')\
                                                .filter((F.col('started_at') <= F.col('converted_at')) & 
                                                        (F.col('started_at') >= F.date_add(F.col('converted_at'), -30)))\
                                                .with_column('total_sessions', F.count('customer_id')\
                                                .with_column('session_index', F.row_number()\
                                                            F.when(F.col('session_index') == 1, 1)\
                                                            F.when(F.col('session_index') == F.col('total_sessions'), 1)\
                                                            F.when(F.col('total_sessions') == 1, 1)\
                                                            .when(F.col('total_sessions') == 2, .5)\
                                                            .when(F.col('session_index') == 1, .4)\
                                                            .when(F.col('session_index') == F.col('total_sessions'), .4)\
                                                            .otherwise(F.lit(0.2) / (F.col('total_sessions') - 2)))\
                                                .with_column('linear_points', F.lit(1) / F.col('total_sessions'))\
                                                             F.col('revenue') * F.col('first_touch_points'))\
                                                             F.col('revenue') * F.col('last_touch_points'))\
                                                             F.col('revenue') * F.col('forty_twenty_forty_points'))\
                                                             F.col('revenue') * (1 / F.col('total_sessions')))
                return attribution_touches

            _customers = jaffle_shop(customers_df=SnowparkTable('stg_customers'),
            _mrr = mrr_playbook(subscription_df=SnowparkTable('stg_subscription_periods'))

            _attribution_touches = attribution_playbook(customer_conversions_df=SnowparkTable('stg_customer_conversions'), 
            return _attribution_touches, _mrr, _customers

        _structured_data = load_structured_data()
        _attribution_touches, _mrr, _customers = transform_structured()
        _structured_data >> [_attribution_touches, _mrr, _customers]

        return _attribution_touches, _mrr, _customers

Unstructured data ingestion and transformation

The unstructured data task group extracts twitter comments, reviews, and customer support calls, before transcribing the calls and converting all the unstructured data into Weaviate vector embeddings.

    def unstructured_data():
        def load_unstructured_data():
            def load_support_calls_to_stage(restore_data_uri:str, calls_directory_stage:str) -> str:
                import zipfile
                import io
                import tempfile
                import requests

                with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td:
                    calls_zipfile = requests.get(f'{restore_data_uri}/').content 
                    buffer = io.BytesIO(calls_zipfile)
                    z = zipfile.ZipFile(buffer)


                snowpark_session.sql(f"ALTER STAGE {calls_directory_stage} REFRESH;").collect()

                return calls_directory_stage

            _calls_directory_stage = load_support_calls_to_stage(restore_data_uri=restore_data_uri, 
            _stg_comment_table = aql.load_file(task_id='load_twitter_comments',
                                               input_file = File(f'{restore_data_uri}/twitter_comments.parquet'),
                                               output_table = Table(name='STG_TWITTER_COMMENTS', 

            _stg_training_table = aql.load_file(task_id='load_comment_training',
                                                input_file = File(f'{restore_data_uri}/comment_training.parquet'), 
                                                output_table = Table(name='STG_COMMENT_TRAINING', 

            return _calls_directory_stage, _stg_comment_table, _stg_training_table
        _calls_directory_stage, _stg_comment_table, _stg_training_table = load_unstructured_data()
        whisper_requirements = [
        def transcribe_calls(calls_directory_stage:str):
            import requests
            import tempfile
            from pathlib import Path            
            import os
            import whisper

            model = whisper.load_model('tiny.en', download_root=os.getcwd())
            calls_df = snowpark_session.sql(f"""SELECT *, 
                                                            LIST_DIR_TABLE.RELATIVE_PATH) as presigned_url 
                                                FROM DIRECTORY( @{calls_directory_stage})""")
            calls_df = calls_df.to_pandas()

            #Extract customer_id from file name
            calls_df['CUSTOMER_ID']= calls_df['RELATIVE_PATH'].apply(lambda x: x.split('-')[0])

            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
                calls_df.apply(lambda x: Path(tmpdirname)\
                                        .write_bytes(requests.get(x.PRESIGNED_URL).content), axis=1)
                calls_df['TRANSCRIPT'] = calls_df.apply(lambda x: model.transcribe(Path(tmpdirname)
                                                                            .joinpath(x.RELATIVE_PATH).as_posix())['text'], axis=1)

            return snowpark_session.create_dataframe(calls_df[['CUSTOMER_ID', 'RELATIVE_PATH', 'TRANSCRIPT']])

        _stg_calls_table = transcribe_calls(calls_directory_stage=_calls_directory_stage)

        def generate_embeddings(): 

            def get_training_pandas(stg_training_table:SnowparkTable):
                return stg_training_table.to_pandas()
            def get_comment_pandas(stg_comment_table:SnowparkTable):
                return stg_comment_table.to_pandas()
            def get_calls_pandas(stg_calls_table:SnowparkTable):
                return stg_calls_table.to_pandas()
            def generate_training_embeddings(stg_training_table:pd.DataFrame):

                df = stg_training_table
                df.rename({'REVIEW_TEXT': 'rEVIEW_TEXT', 'LABEL': 'lABEL'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

                df['lABEL'] = df['lABEL'].apply(str)

                #openai works best without empty lines or new lines
                df = df.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True).dropna()
                df['rEVIEW_TEXT'] = df['rEVIEW_TEXT'].apply(lambda x: x.replace("\n",""))
                df['UUID'] = df.apply(lambda x: generate_uuid5(x.to_dict(), 'CommentTraining'), axis=1)

                return {"data": df, 
                        "class_name": 'CommentTraining', 
                        "uuid_column": "UUID", 
                        "batch_size": 1000, 
                        "error_threshold": 0}
            def generate_twitter_embeddings(stg_comment_table:pd.DataFrame):

                df = stg_comment_table
                df.rename({'CUSTOMER_ID': 'cUSTOMER_ID', 'REVIEW_TEXT': 'rEVIEW_TEXT', 'DATE': 'dATE'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

                df['cUSTOMER_ID'] = df['cUSTOMER_ID'].apply(str)
                df['dATE'] = pd.to_datetime(df['dATE']).dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S-00:00")

                #openai works best without empty lines or new lines
                df = df.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True).dropna()
                df['rEVIEW_TEXT'] = df['rEVIEW_TEXT'].apply(lambda x: x.replace("\n",""))

                df['UUID'] = df.apply(lambda x: generate_uuid5(x.to_dict(), 'CustomerComment'), axis=1)

                return {"data": df, 
                        "class_name": 'CustomerComment', 
                        "uuid_column": "UUID", 
                        "batch_size": 1000, 
                        "error_threshold": 0}

            def generate_call_embeddings(stg_calls_table:pd.DataFrame):
                df = stg_calls_table
                df.rename({'CUSTOMER_ID': 'cUSTOMER_ID', 'TRANSCRIPT': 'tRANSCRIPT', 'RELATIVE_PATH': 'rELATIVE_PATH'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

                df['cUSTOMER_ID'] = df['cUSTOMER_ID'].apply(str)

                #openai works best without empty lines or new lines
                df = df.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True).dropna()
                df['tRANSCRIPT'] = df['tRANSCRIPT'].apply(lambda x: x.replace("\n",""))

                df['UUID'] = df.apply(lambda x: generate_uuid5(x.to_dict(), 'CustomerCall'), axis=1)

                return {"data": df, 
                        "class_name": 'CustomerCall', 
                        "uuid_column": "UUID", 
                        "batch_size": 1000, 
                        "error_threshold": 0}

            _training_table = get_training_pandas(stg_training_table=_stg_training_table)
            _training_table = generate_training_embeddings(stg_training_table=_training_table)
            _comment_table = get_comment_pandas(stg_comment_table=_stg_comment_table)
            _comment_table = generate_twitter_embeddings(stg_comment_table=_comment_table)
            _calls_table = get_calls_pandas(stg_calls_table=_stg_calls_table)
            _calls_table = generate_call_embeddings(stg_calls_table=_calls_table)

            return _training_table, _comment_table, _calls_table
        _training_table, _comment_table, _calls_table = generate_embeddings()

        return _training_table, _comment_table, _calls_table

Model training

After you prepared the structured and unstructured data, split it into testing and training datasets, before using it to train a sentiment-classifier model that predicts customer life time value based on their sentiment. Finally, you can use the trained model to generate predictions for customers life time value based on their sentiment.

@task.snowpark_virtualenv(requirements=['lightgbm==3.3.5', 'scikit-learn==1.2.2', 'astro_provider_snowflake'])
    def train_sentiment_classifier(class_name:str, snowpark_model_registry:dict):
        from import model_registry
        import numpy as np
        import pandas as pd
        from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 
        from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier
        from uuid import uuid1
        from weaviate_provider.hooks.weaviate import WeaviateHook

        registry = model_registry.ModelRegistry(session=snowpark_session, 
        weaviate_client = WeaviateHook('weaviate_default').get_conn()

        df = pd.DataFrame(weaviate_client.data_object.get(with_vector=True, class_name=class_name)['objects'])
        df = pd.concat([pd.json_normalize(df['properties']), df['vector']], axis=1)

        model_version = uuid1().urn

        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df['vector'], df['lABEL'], test_size=.3, random_state=1883)
        X_train = np.array(X_train.values.tolist())
        y_train = np.array(y_train.values.tolist())
        X_test = np.array(X_test.values.tolist())
        y_test = np.array(y_test.values.tolist())
        model = LGBMClassifier(random_state=42), y=y_train, eval_set=(X_test, y_test))

        model_id = registry.log_model(
            tags={'stage': 'dev', 'model_type': 'lightgbm.LGBMClassifier'})
        return {'name': model_id.get_name(), 'version':model_id.get_version()}
    def score_sentiment():

        @task.snowpark_virtualenv(requirements=['lightgbm==3.3.5', 'astro_provider_snowflake'], retries=2, retry_delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5))
        def call_sentiment(class_name:str, snowpark_model_registry:dict, model:dict) -> SnowparkTable:

            from import model_registry
            import numpy as np
            import pandas as pd
            from weaviate_provider.hooks.weaviate import WeaviateHook
            weaviate_client = WeaviateHook('weaviate_default').get_conn()

            df = pd.DataFrame(weaviate_client.data_object.get(with_vector=True, class_name=class_name)['objects'])
            df = pd.concat([pd.json_normalize(df['properties']), df['vector']], axis=1)

            registry = model_registry.ModelRegistry(session=snowpark_session, 
            metrics = registry.get_metrics(model_name=model['name'], model_version=model['version'])
            model = registry.load_model(model_name=model['name'], model_version=model['version'])
            df['sentiment'] = model.predict_proba(np.stack(df['vector'].values))[:,1]

            return snowpark_session.create_dataframe(df.rename(columns=str.upper))

        @task.snowpark_virtualenv(requirements=['lightgbm==3.3.5', 'astro_provider_snowflake'], retries=2, retry_delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5))
        def twitter_sentiment(class_name:str, snowpark_model_registry:dict, model:dict) -> SnowparkTable:

            from import model_registry
            import numpy as np
            import pandas as pd
            from weaviate_provider.hooks.weaviate import WeaviateHook
            weaviate_client = WeaviateHook('weaviate_default').get_conn()

            df = pd.DataFrame(weaviate_client.data_object.get(with_vector=True, class_name=class_name)['objects'])
            df = pd.concat([pd.json_normalize(df['properties']), df['vector']], axis=1)
            registry = model_registry.ModelRegistry(session=snowpark_session, 
            metrics = registry.get_metrics(model_name=model['name'], model_version=model['version'])
            model = registry.load_model(model_name=model['name'], model_version=model['version'])
            df['sentiment'] = model.predict_proba(np.stack(df['vector'].values))[:,1]

            return snowpark_session.create_dataframe(df.rename(columns=str.upper))
        _pred_calls_table = call_sentiment(class_name='CustomerCall',
        _pred_comment_table = twitter_sentiment(class_name='CustomerComment',

        return _pred_calls_table, _pred_comment_table

Create reporting tables

After the model has generated its predictions, the next tasks cleans and organizes the results into presentation tables for viewing using a Streamlit application.

        def create_presentation_tables(attribution_df:SnowparkTable, 
            This task consolidates all of the structured and unstructured data results to create
            tables for the presentation layer running in the Streamlit app.
            Because the app needs to know the name for tables we write them specifically here 
            with `save_as_table` rather than passing through xcom or using the Snowpark return 
            customers_df = customers_df.with_column('CLV', 
                                                    F.round(F.col('CUSTOMER_LIFETIME_VALUE'), 2))

            sentiment_df =  pred_calls_table.group_by(F.col('CUSTOMER_ID'))\
                                            .fillna(0, subset=['CALLS_SENTIMENT'])\
                                                         F.round((F.col('CALLS_SENTIMENT') \
                                                                  + F.col('COMMENTS_SENTIMENT'))/2, 4))\
                                                                         F.col('SENTIMENT_SCORE'), 0, 1, 10))
            sentiment_df.write.save_as_table('PRES_SENTIMENT', mode='overwrite')
            ad_spend_df =['UTM_MEDIUM', 'REVENUE'])\
                                        .rename('SUM(REVENUE)', 'Revenue')\
                                        .rename('UTM_MEDIUM', 'Medium')\
                                        .write.save_as_table('PRES_AD_SPEND', mode='overwrite')
            clv_df = customers_df.dropna(subset=['CLV'])\
                                 .join(sentiment_df, 'CUSTOMER_ID', how='left')\
                                 .sort(F.col('CLV'), ascending=False)\
                                                       F.lit(' '), 
                                 .write.save_as_table('PRES_CLV', mode='overwrite')
            churn_df =['CUSTOMER_ID', 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'CLV'])\
                                   .join(sentiment_df, 'CUSTOMER_ID', how='left')\
                                   .filter(F.col('CHANGE_CATEGORY') == 'churn')\
                                   .sort(F.col('LAST_ACTIVE_MONTH'), ascending=False)\
                                                         F.lit(' '), 
                                   .write.save_as_table('PRES_CHURN', mode='overwrite')
            pred_calls_table.write.save_as_table('PRED_CUSTOMER_CALLS', mode='overwrite')
            pred_comment_table.write.save_as_table('PRED_TWITTER_COMMENTS', mode='overwrite')
            attribution_df.write.save_as_table('ATTRIBUTION_TOUCHES', mode='overwrite')

Task cleanup_temp_tables: The final task is a teardown task. The task deletes the intermediate, temporary data passed between Snowpark tasks for resource optimization.

    def cleanup_temp_tables(snowflake_objects:dict, **context):
        This task will be run as an Airflow 2.7 teardown task.  The task deletes 
        the intermediate, temporary data passed between Snowpark tasks. In production 
        it may be best to keep intermediate tables as they provide useful 
        audting data.  For dev/test it may be beneficial to reduce objects and noise.

        The `temp_data_dict` is instantiated by default in the task namespace based
        on the decorator args or `default_args`.  Likewise, all of the variables 
        needed to construct the temporary data URI (e.g. `dag_id`, `ts_nodash`, etc.)
        are also instantiated.  This allows us to cleanup temporary data after the 
        DAG run.  

        In the future this may be added as another operator for the Snowpark provider.  
        Here it shows a good use of teardown tasks.
        snowpark_session.database = temp_data_dict['temp_data_db'] \
                                        or snowflake_objects['demo_database']
        snowpark_session.schema = temp_data_dict['temp_data_schema'] \
                                        or snowflake_objects['demo_schema']

        if temp_data_dict['temp_data_output'] == 'table':

            xcom_table_list = snowpark_session.table('information_schema.tables')\

            print(f'Removing tables {xcom_table_list}')

            for table in xcom_table_list:
        elif temp_data_dict['temp_data_output'] == 'stage':
            xcom_stage_string = f"{dag_id.lower()}/.*/{run_id.split('+')[0]}.*/"

            print(f'Removing files based on {xcom_stage_string}')
            xcom_file_list = snowpark_session.sql(f"""REMOVE @{temp_data_dict['temp_data_stage']} 
    _create_snowflake_objects = create_snowflake_objects(snowflake_objects, calls_directory_stage).as_setup() 

    with cleanup_temp_tables(snowflake_objects).as_teardown(setups=_create_snowflake_objects):
        _snowpark_model_registry, _restore_weaviate = enter()

        _attribution_touches, _mrr, _customers = structured_data()
        _training_table, _comment_table, _calls_table = unstructured_data()

        _model = train_sentiment_classifier(class_name='CommentTraining',
        _pred_calls_table, _pred_comment_table = score_sentiment()
        _exit = exit()
        _restore_weaviate >> [_training_table, _comment_table, _calls_table] >> _model

Additional resources

For additional documentation on the features used in this example, check out the following resources:

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