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astro deployment create


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Create a Deployment on Astro. This command is functionally identical to using the Astro UI to create a Deployment.


astro deployment create

When you use astro deployment create, it creates a Deployment with a default Worker Queue that uses default worker types.

Some Deployment configurations, including worker queue and worker type, can be set only by using the --deployment-file flag to apply a Deployment file. See Manage Deployments as code.


OptionDescriptionPossible Values
-p, --cloud-providerThe Cloud Provider to use for your Deployment. The default is gcp.For standard clusters, possible values are aws and gcp. For dedicated clusters, possible values are aws, azure, and gcp.
-c, --cluster-id(Astro Hybrid and Astro Hosted dedicated clusters only) The cluster in which you want to create a Deployment.A valid cluster ID.
--type(Astro Hosted only) The type of cluster you want to run the Deployment on. The default is standard.Either dedicated or standard.
--dag-deployEnables DAG-only deploys for the Deployment. The default is disable.Either enable or disable.
--default-task-pod-cpu(Astro Hosted only) The default task Pod CPUs to use for the Deployment. See Customize a task's Kubernetes Pod for more information.A numeric value such as 0.25. This number cannot exceed the values you configured in your Default pod resources in the UI or in your Deployment configuration file.
--default-task-pod-memory(Astro Hosted only) The default task pod memory to use for the Deployment in Gi. See Customize a task's Kubernetes Pod for more information.A numeric value followed by Gi, such as 0.5Gi. This number cannot exceed the values you configured in your Default pod resources in the UI or in your Deployment configuration file.
--deployment-fileLocation of the template file that specifies the configuration of the new Deployment. File can be in either JSON or YAML format. See Create a Deployment with a Deployment File.A valid file path for YAML or JSON template file
-d,--descriptionThe description for the Deployment.Any string. Multiple-word descriptions should be specified in quotations (")
-m,--development-modeSet to 'enable' to enable development-only features such as hibernation. When enabled, the Deployment will not have guaranteed uptime SLAs.enable or disable˝
--cicd-enforcementSpecify that the Deployment can only accept code deploys from API tokens and keys. Note that in CLI versions before 1.23, this flag was --enforce-cicd.None
-e,--executorThe executor to use for the Deployment.CeleryExecutor or KubernetesExecutor
-a, --high-availabilityEnables high availability for the Deployment. The default is disable.Either enable or disable.
-n,--nameThe name of the Deployment.Any string. Multiple-word descriptions should be specified in quotations
--region(Astro Hosted only) The region where you want to host the Deployment.The code for any supported region
--resource-quota-cpu(Astro Hosted only) The Deployment's CPU resource quota for Kubernetes Pods. See Customize a task's Kubernetes Pod for more information.A numeric value such as 10. This number cannot exceed the values you configured in your Default pod resources in the UI or in your Deployment file configuration file.
--resource-quota-memory(Astro Hosted only) The Deployment's memory resource quota for Kubernetes Pods in Gi. See Customize a task's Kubernetes Pod for more information.A numeric value followed by Gi, such as 20Gi. This number cannot exceed the values you configured in your Default pod resources in the UI or in your Deployment file configuration file.
-v,--runtime-versionThe Astro Runtime version for the DeploymentAny supported version of Astro Runtime. Major, minor, and patch versions must be specified.
-s,--scheduler-sizeThe size of scheduler for the Deployment. The default is small.Either small, medium, large, or extra_large. extra_large schedulers require a minimum Astro Runtime version of 9.7.0.
--waitWait for the new Deployment to have a healthy status before completing the command.None
--workload-identityThe workload identity to use for the Deployment. You must use this flag with --cloud-provider.A valid AWS arn.
--workspace-idThe Workspace in which to create a Deployment. If not specified, your current Workspace is assumed.Any valid Workspace ID


# CLI prompts you for a Deployment name and cluster
astro deployment create

# Create a Deployment with all required information specified. The CLI will not prompt you for more information
astro deployment create -d="My Deployment Description" --name="My Deployment Name" --cluster-id="ckwqkz36200140ror6axh8p19"

# Specify the new Deployment's configuration with a yaml file
astro deployment create --deployment-file deployment.yaml

# Create a deployment on Astro Hosted using a standard cluster
astro deployment create --name="my-gcp-deployment" --region="us-central1"

# Create a deployment on Astro Hosted using a dedicated cluster
astro deployment create --name="my-gcp-deployment" --cluster-type="dedicated" --cluster-id="clj123n1311p901muj9hwpgjb"

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