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astro deployment list


The behavior and format of this command are the same for both Astro and Software.

List all Deployments within your current Workspace.


astro deployment list


OptionDescriptionPossible Values
-a,--allShow Deployments across all Workspaces that you have access to.None
--workspace-idSpecify a Workspace to list Deployments outside of your current WorkspaceAny valid Workspace ID


$ astro deployment list --all
# Shows Deployments from all Workspaces that you're authenticated to


OutputDescriptionData Type
NAMEThe name of the Deployment.String
NAMESPACEThe Deployment's Kubernetes namespace.String
CLUSTERThe name of the Astro cluster where the Deployment runs.String
DEPLOYMENT IDThe Deployment IDString
RUNTIME VERSIONThe Deployment's Astro Runtime version and its corresponding Airflow version.String. (X.X.X (based on Airflow X.X.X))
DAG DEPLOY ENABLEDWhether the Deployment supports DAG deploys.Boolean

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