Manage Astro billing
Astro Hosted meters and bills based on consumption of cloud resources associated with clusters, Deployments, and workers. Pricing is charged at an hourly rate, but is measured by the second. See Pricing for complete pricing and billing details.
You can configure payment information and check your total Astro spend from the Astro UI so that you don't go over your budget for running Airflow.
View billing details
In the Astro UI, click Organization Settings, then click Billing. The Billing menu includes the following tabs for tracking your payments:
- Overview shows your current payment information and your total spend for the current billing cycle.
- Invoices shows a breakdown of charges for current and previous billing cycles.
- Usage shows your spend over time for each billable Airflow component.
Astro users on the Enterprise tier can view a detailed billing breakdown in their Organization Dashboard.
Update billing details
- In the Astro UI, click Organization Settings, then click Billing.
- If you have no payment method on file, click Add Payment Method and enter your payment details. To edit an existing payment method, click Edit next to the payment method.
View total spend
In the Astro UI, click Organization Settings, then click Billing.
The Overview page contains high level information about your total Astro spend.
- Accrued charges is the total amount you've spent on Astro resources for the current billing cycle before trial credits and discounts are applied.
- Balance due is the total amount you owe for the current billing cycle after trial credits and discounts are applied. If you're on a trial, this is also where you can view how many credits you have left.
View invoices
- In the Astro UI, click Organization Settings, then click Billing.
- Click Invoices.
By default, the Astro UI shows a draft invoice for your current billing cycle.
- Each Charge is an Astro component that you used at some point in the billing cycle. Note that your worker resources are charged separately from the Deployments they run on and each other. For example, a Deployment with two worker queues will appear as three separate charges in your invoice.
- Quantity represents the number of hours you ran a given Astro component.
The Billing page updates every hour with your total spend in the previous complete hour. For example, at 10:00 AM, the page updates with your spend from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM on that same day. If your spending metrics don't look accurate based on recent usage, wait until the next complete hour for the page to update.
View component usage by date
- In the Astro UI, click Organization Settings, then click Billing.
- Click Usage.
Each chart on this page shows your different types of usage over the last 30, 60, or 90 days for worker, compute, Deployments, and dedicated clusters. For a particular usage type, the chart shows combined usage for all instances of a given component type across your Organization. Therefore, it's possible to have more than 24 hours of usage for a given day. For example, if you have two Deployment with Medium Schedulers running for 24 hours in a day, the usage chart will show that your total usage for the day was 48 hours.
View your credits
You can check your available credit balance and total credit consumption in the Astro UI. This includes Astro Trial credits as well as any other credits you might have accrued during your time using Astro.
- In the Astro UI, click Organization Settings, then click Billing.
- Click Credits.