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Authenticate to cloud services with user credentials

When you develop Apache Airflow DAGs locally with the Astro CLI, testing with local data is the easiest way to get started. For more complex data pipelines, you might need to test DAGs locally with data that's stored in your organization's cloud, such as secret values in a secrets backend service.

To access data on the cloud while developing locally with the Astro CLI, export your cloud account user credentials to a secure configuration file and mount that file in the Docker containers running your local Airflow environment. After you configure this file, you can connect to your cloud without needing to configure additional credentials in Airflow connections. Airflow inherits all permissions from your cloud account and uses them to access your cloud.



Retrieve AWS user credentials locally

Run the following command to obtain your user credentials locally:

aws configure

This command prompts you for your Access Key Id, Secret Access Key, Region, and output format. If you log into AWS using single sign-on (SSO), run aws configure sso instead.

The AWS CLI then stores your credentials in two separate files:

  • .aws/config
  • .aws/credentials

The location of these files depends on your operating system:

  • Linux: /home/<username>/.aws
  • Mac: /Users/<username>/.aws
  • Windows: %UserProfile%/.aws

Configure your Astro project

The Astro CLI runs Airflow in a Docker-based environment. To give Airflow access to your credential files, you'll mount the .aws folder as a volume in Docker.

  1. In your Astro project, create a file named docker-compose.override.yml with the following configuration:

    version: "3.1"
    - /Users/<username>/.aws:/home/astro/.aws:rw
    - /Users/<username>/.aws:/home/astro/.aws:rw
    - /Users/<username>/.aws:/home/astro/.aws:rw

Depending on your Docker configurations, you might have to make your .aws folder accessible to Docker. To do this, open Preferences in Docker Desktop and go to Resources -> File Sharing. Add the full path of your .aws folder to the list of shared folders.

  1. In your Astro project's .env file, add the following environment variables. Make sure that the volume path is the same as the one you configured in the docker-compose.override.yml.


When you run Airflow locally, all AWS connections without defined credentials automatically fall back to your user credentials when connecting to AWS. Airflow applies and overrides user credentials for AWS connections in the following order:

  • Mounted user credentials in the ~/.aws/config file.
  • Configurations in aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, and aws_session_token.
  • An explicit username & password provided in the connection.

For example, if you completed the configuration in this document and then created a new AWS connection with its own username and password, Airflow would use those credentials instead of the credentials in ~/.aws/config.

Test your credentials with a secrets backend

Now that Airflow has access to your user credentials, you can use them to connect to your cloud services. Use the following example setup to test your credentials by pulling values from different secrets backends.

  1. Create a secret for an Airflow variable or connection in AWS Secrets Manager. All Airflow variables and connection keys must be prefixed with the following strings respectively:

    • airflow/variables/<my_variable_name>
    • airflow/connections/<my_connection_id>

    For example when adding the secret variable my_secret_var you will need to give the secret the name airflow/variables/my_secret_var.

    When setting the secret type, choose Other type of secret and select the Plaintext option. If you're creating a connection URI or a non-dict variable as a secret, remove the brackets and quotations that are pre-populated in the plaintext field.

  2. Add the following environment variables to your Astro project .env file. For additional configuration options, see the Apache Airflow documentation. Make sure to specify your region_name.
    AIRFLOW__SECRETS__BACKEND_KWARGS={"connections_prefix": "airflow/connections", "variables_prefix": "airflow/variables", "region_name": "<your-aws-region>"}
  3. Run the following command to start Airflow locally:

    astro dev start
  4. Access the Airflow UI at localhost:8080 and create an Airflow AWS connection named aws_standard with no credentials. See Connections.

    When you use this connection in your DAG, it will fall back to using your configured user credentials.

  5. Add a DAG which uses the secrets backend to your Astro project dags directory. You can use the following example DAG to retrieve <my_variable_name> and <my_connection_id> from the secrets backend and print it to the terminal:

    from airflow.models.dag import DAG
    from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
    from airflow.models import Variable
    from airflow.decorators import task
    from datetime import datetime

    with DAG(
    start_date=datetime(2022, 1, 1),

    def print_var():
    my_var = Variable.get("<my_variable_name>")
    print(f"My secret variable is: {my_var}") # secrets will be masked in the logs!

    conn = BaseHook.get_connection(conn_id="<my_connection_id>")
    print(f"My secret connection is: {conn.get_uri()}") # secrets will be masked in the logs!

  6. In the Airflow UI, unpause your DAG and click Play to trigger a DAG run.

  7. View logs for your DAG run. If the connection was successful, your masked secrets appear in your logs. See Airflow logging.

Secrets in logs

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