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Version: 0.32

Astronomer Software user role and permission reference

This is where you'll find information about Astronomer Software default user role permissions. To modify these default permissions, see Customize role permissions.

System roles

System roles apply to all Workspaces, users, and Deployments within a single Astronomer Software installation.

System Viewer

The System Viewer has the following permissions by default:

  • system.airflow.get: View the Airflow UI for any Deployment
  • system.deployment.variables.get: View environment variables for any Deployment
  • system.deployments.get: View any setting for any Deployment in the Software UI
  • system.invites.get: View all pending user invites in the System Admin tab of the Software UI
  • system.invite.get: View information for any pending user invite
  • system.monitoring.get: Access to Grafana and Kibana for system-level monitoring
  • system.serviceAccounts.get: View service accounts for any Deployment or Workspace
  • system.updates.get: View the newest platform release version number
  • system.users.get: View information for any user on the platform, including their email address, the list of Workspaces that user has access to, and their user role
  • system.workspace.get: View information for any Workspace

System Editor

The System Editor has the same default permissions as the System Viewer, plus:

  • system.admincount.get: View system admin users.
  • system.deployment.variables.update: Modify environment variables for any Deployment
  • system.iam.update: Modify IAM roles for any Deployment
  • system.serviceAccounts.update: Modify service accounts for any Workspace or Deployment
  • deployment.airflow.user: Airflow user permissions for all Deployments
  • system.registryBaseImages.push: Modify base layer Docker images for Airflow

System Admin

The System Admin has the same default permissions as the System Viewer and System Editor for a given cluster, plus:

  • system.cleanupAirflowDb.delete: Clean Deployment task metadata

  • system.deployments.create: Create a Deployment on any Workspace

  • system.deployments.update: Modify any Deployment

  • system.deployments.delete: Delete any Deployment

  • system.deployments.images.push: Deploy code to any Deployment

  • system.deployments.logs: View logs for any Deployment

  • system.deployments.metrics: View metrics for any Deployment

  • system.invites.get: View pending user invites in all Workspaces

  • system.serviceAccounts.create: Create a service account at any level

  • system.serviceAccounts.delete: Delete any service account

  • system.serviceAccounts.update: Modify any service account

  • system.teams.remove: Delete any Team

  • system.user.invite: Invite a user

  • system.user.delete: Delete any user

  • system.user.verifyEmail: Bypass email verification for any user

  • system.workspace.delete: Delete any Workspace

  • system.workspace.update: Modify the name or description of any Workspace

  • system.airflow.admin: Airflow admin permissions on any Deployment, including permission to configure:

    • Pools
    • Configuration
    • Users
    • Connections
    • Variables
    • XComs

Workspace roles

Workspace roles apply to a single Workspace within a single Astronomer Software installation.

Workspace Viewer

The Workspace Viewer has the following default permissions for a given Workspace:

  • workspace.config.get: View the Workspace
  • system.deployments.get: View all settings and configuration pages of any Deployment
  • workspace.serviceAccounts.get: View any Deployment or Workspace-level service account
  • workspace.users.get: View information for all users with access to the Workspace
  • workspace.teams.get: View Teams belonging to the Workspace
  • workspace.taskUsage.get: View task usage in the Workspace

Workspace Editor

For a given Workspace, the Workspace Editor has the same default permissions as the Workspace Viewer, plus:

  • workspace.admincount.get: View Workspace admin users.
  • workspace.config.update: Modify the Workspace, including Workspace Name, Description, and user access
  • workspace.deployments.create: Create a Deployment in the Workspace
  • workspace.serviceAccounts.create: Create a Workspace-level service account
  • workspace.serviceAccounts.update: Modify a Workspace-level service account
  • workspace.serviceAccounts.delete: Delete a Workspace-level service account

Workspace Admin

For a given Workspace, the Workspace Admin has the same default permissions as the Workspace Viewer and Workspace Editor, plus:

  • workspace.invites.get: View pending user invites for the Workspace
  • workspace.config.delete: Delete the Workspace
  • workspace.iam.update: Update IAM for the Workspace
  • workspace.teams.getAll: View all users in Teams belonging to the Workspace
  • workspace.users.getAll: View all users in the Workspace

In addition, Workspace Admins have Deployment Admin permissions for all Deployments within the Workspace.

Deployment roles

Deployment roles apply to a single Deployment within a single Astronomer Software installation.

Deployment Viewer

For a given Deployment, a Deployment Viewer has the following permissions:

  • deployment.airflow.get: View the Airflow UI
  • deployment.config.get: View the Deployment's settings
  • deployment.logs.get: View the Deployment's logs
  • deployment.images.pull: Access the Deployment's running Docker image
  • deployment.metrics.get: View the Deployment's Metrics tab in the Software UI
  • deployment.serviceAccounts.get: View any service account for the Deployment
  • deployment.variables.get: View the Deployment's environment variables
  • deployment.users.get: View the list of users with access to the Deployment
  • deployment.teams.get: View all Teams belonging to the Deployment
  • deployment.taskUsage.get: View task usage information for the Deployment

A Deployment Viewer can't push code to a Deployment or modify Deployment configurations. These actions can be completed only by a Deployment Editor or a Deployment Admin.

Deployment Editor

For a given Deployment, the Deployment Editor has the same default permissions as the Deployment Viewer, plus:

  • deployment.admincount.get: View Deployment admin users.
  • deployment.airflow.user: Airflow user permissions for all Deployments, including modifying task runs and DAG runs
  • deployment.config.update: Modify the Deployment's settings
  • deployment.images.push: Push code to the Deployment using the Astro CLI
  • deployment.images.pull: Pull image from the Deployment using the Astro CLI
  • deployment.serviceAccounts.create: Create a Deployment-level service account
  • deployment.serviceAccounts.update: Modify a Deployment-level service account
  • deployment.serviceAccounts.delete: Delete a Deployment-level service account
  • deployment.variables.update: Update the Deployment's environment variables

A Deployment Editor cannot make changes to certain configurations in the Airflow UI, such as connections and variables. These actions can only be completed by a Deployment Admin.

Deployment Admin

For a given Deployment, the Deployment Admin has the same default permissions as the Deployment Viewer and the Deployment Editor, plus:

  • deployment.airflow.admin: Airflow admin permissions, including permission to configure:

    • Pools
    • Configuration
    • Users
    • Connections
    • Variables
    • XComs
  • deployment.config.delete: Delete the Deployment

  • deployment.userRoles.update: Update Deployment-level permissions for users within the Deployment

  • deployment.teamRoles.update: Update Deployment-level permissions for Teams within the Deployment

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