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Create a new Hybrid cluster on Astro

The Astro install typically starts with one cluster for each Organization. However, your organization can choose to configure multiple Astro clusters. This could enable a few benefits, including:

  • Clusters in different regions
  • Different clusters for development and production environments

Within a single Workspace, you can host Deployments across multiple clusters. For example, you might have a production Deployment running in a production cluster and a development Deployment running in a development cluster. Both of those Deployments can be in the same Workspace.

This guide provides instructions for provisioning additional clusters within your Astro Organization.


To create an Astro cluster on AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), you'll need the following:

  • An activated data plane.
  • Permissions to configure IAM in the dedicated account for Astro on your cloud.


To create a new Astro cluster on AWS for your Organization, submit a request to Astronomer support. In your request, provide the following information for every new cluster that you want to provision:

  • Your AWS Account ID.
  • Your preferred Astro cluster name.
  • The AWS region that you want to host your cluster in.
  • Your preferred node instance type.
  • Your preferred max node count.
  • Your preferred VPC CIDR.

If you don't specify configuration preferences, Astronomer support creates a cluster with a VPC CIDR of,m5.xlarge nodes, and a maximum node count of 20 in us-east-1. For information about supported regions, configurations, and defaults, see Resources required for Astro on AWS.

Additional set up for AWS regions that are disabled by default

Some AWS regions that Astronomer supports are disabled by default on AWS. These regions are:

  • af-south-1 - Africa (Cape Town)
  • ap-east-1 - Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
  • me-south-1 - Middle East (Bahrain)

To create a cluster in one of these regions, complete the following additional set up in your AWS account:

  1. In the AWS IAM console, update the astronomer-remote-management trust relationship to include permissions for enabling and disabling your desired region as described in the AWS documentation:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": {
    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::406882777402:root"
    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
    "Condition": {
    "StringEquals": {
    "sts:ExternalId": "<External-ID>"
    "Sid": "EnableDisableRegion",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "*",
    "Condition": {
    "StringEquals": {"account:TargetRegion": "<your-aws-region>"}
    "Sid": "ViewConsole",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "*"
  2. In the AWS Management Console, enable the desired region as described in AWS documentation.

  3. Upgrade your global endpoint session token to version 2, which is valid in all AWS regions, by running the following command in the AWS CLI:

    aws iam set-security-token-service-preferences --global-endpoint-token-version v2Token


To create a new Astro cluster on Azure for your Organization, submit a request to Astronomer support. In your request, provide the following information for every new cluster that you want to provision:

  • Your preferred Astro cluster name.
  • The Azure region that you want to host your cluster in.
  • Your preferred node instance type.
  • Your preferred maximum node count.

If you don't specify configuration preferences, Astronomer support creates a cluster with Standard_D4d_v5 nodes, one Postgres Flexible Server instance (D4ds_v4), and a maximum node count of 20 in CentralUS. If you're using Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering, a CIDR block (RFC 1918 IP Space) with the default CIDR range is implemented.

For information on all supported regions and configurations, see Resources required for Astro on Azure.


To create a new Astro cluster on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for your Organization, submit a request to Astronomer support. In your request, provide the following information for every new cluster that you want to provision:

  • Your preferred Astro cluster name.
  • The GCP region that you want to host your cluster in.
  • Your preferred node instance type.
  • Your preferred CloudSQL instance type.
  • Your preferred maximum node count.
  • Your preferred VPC CIDR.

If you don't specify configuration preferences, Astronomer support creates a cluster with a VPC CIDR of, e2-medium-4 nodes, one Medium General Purpose CloudSQL instance (4vCPU, 16GB), and a maximum node count of 20 in us-central1. For information on all supported regions and configurations, see Resources required for Astro on GCP.

Configure cluster maintenance windows

All GCP dedicated clusters are subscribed to the GKE regular release channel, meaning that Google automatically upgrades the cluster and its nodes whenever an upgrade is available.

After you create a GCP cluster, you can control when these upgrades happen by requesting a maintenance window for the cluster. Maintenance windows determine when and how Google updates your cluster. You can use maintenance windows to ensure that upgrades don't happen while critical DAGs are running on your cluster.

To set a maintenance window, first choose a maintenance window time and read through the maintenance window considerations to make sure that the time is optimized for your cluster. Then, contact Astronomer Support and provide your cluster ID and desired maintenance window.

Astronomer support confirmation

Astronomer support sends you a notification when your cluster is created. After your cluster is created, you can create a new Deployment in the cluster and start deploying pipelines. See Create a Deployment.

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