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Happy New Year! This community accomplished so much in the month of December, and I’m excited to be sharing it all with you now! From a new release to record breaking survey results, we closed out 2023 with the same vivacity we entered it with. Highlights from the month of December include:

As always, please reach out with items for the next issue.

Thanks for reading!

It’s official folks! We’re hosting Airflow Summit 2024 on September 10-12th in San Francisco, CA! Go here to sign up for updates on the conference, including access to early bird tickets.

The results are IN for the Airflow 2023 User Survey! This year, we had a record breaking number of respondents, and are thankful to each and every person that took the time to fill out the survey. Below's a sneak preview, but please view the full Infographic here!

Airflow 2.8

Airflow 2.8 was released on December 18th and includes a host of significant enhancements and new features that will greatly benefit our community.


New versions of 59 Airflow Providers packages were released.

For all source releases, PyPI packages and docs, see: 


Initial releases: 

#35719 | Add XCom tab to Grid

The December 2023 PR of the Month comes amidst a medley of relevant PR’s for the Airflow community. However, in the words of Committer Amogh Desai, “Having a nice UI fix come in, that too from a first time contributor, makes it a winner for me!” 
To nominate a PR, add a comment with #protm in the body or wait for the vote on the dev list. 

Airflow Updates and Releases Airflow in Practice and Use Cases Airflow Innovations







Did you know that dolphins give names to each other? Research has revealed that the marine mammals use a unique whistle to identify each other. A team from the University of St Andrews in Scotland found that when the animals hear their own call played back to them, they respond.

A humble reminder that humans are just another mammal ;).

Source: BBC News

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