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astro workspace token organization-token

astro only
This command is only available on Astro.

Manage Organization-level API tokens within a specific Workspace. See Assign an Organization API token to a Workspace.

There are four sub-commands for managing a Workspace-scoped Organization token.

astro workspace organization-token add

Add an Organization API token to a Workspace and grant it Workspace-specific permissions.


astro workspace organization-token add --org-token-name=<organization-token-name> --role=<workspace-role>


OptionDescriptionValid Values
-n, --org-token-nameThe name of the Oganization API token.Any string. If the name contains a space, specify the entire name within quotes "".
-r, --roleThe role the API token has in the Workspace.One of WORKSPACE_MEMBER, WORKSPACE_AUTHOR, WORKSPACE_OPERATOR or WORKSPACE_OWNER.
--workspace-idThe Workspace to add the token to.Any Workspace ID.


astro workspace organization-token add --org-token-name="My Organization" --role=WORKSPACE_OWNER

astro workspace organization-token list

List all Organization API tokens that are assigned to a specific Workspace.


astro workspace organization-token list


OptionDescriptionValid Values
--workspace-idThe Workspace to which the API tokens belong.Any Workspace ID.


OutputDescriptionData Type
IDThe API token ID.String
NAMEThe name of the API token.String
DESCRIPTIONThe API token description.String
SCOPEThe original scope of the API token.String
WORKSPACE_ROLEThe API token's role in the Workspace.String
CREATEDHow long ago the API token was created, in days.String
CREATED BYThe name of the user who created the API token.String

astro workspace organization-token remove

Remove an Organization API token from a Workspace.


astro workspace organization-token remove


OptionDescriptionValid Values
-n,--org-token-nameThe name of the Organization API token you want to remove from the Workspace.Any string.
--workspace-idWorkspace where you want to remove an API token.Any Workspace ID.


astro workspace organization-token remove

astro workspace organization-token update

Update the role an Organization API token has within a Workspace.


astro workspace organization-token update --workspace-id=<workspace-id> --role=<workspace-role>


OptionDescriptionValid Values
-n, --org-token-nameThe name of the Organization API token you want to update.Any string.
-r, --roleThe Workspace role that you want to assign to the token.One of WORKSPACE_MEMBER, WORKSPACE_AUTHOR, WORKSPACE_OPERATOR or WORKSPACE_OWNER.
--workspace-idThe Workspace where you want to update the token.Any Workspace ID.


astro workspace organization-token add --workspace-id=clvdx7z3c000008kv5tdw5tc5 --org-token-name="My organization token" --role=WORKSPACE_AUTHOR

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